Rav Berg dedicated his life to spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah to millions of people all over the world. Throughout his many teachings, the Rav would always remind us that while the intellectual understanding of Kabbalah is vital to our spiritual growth, there is no tool like the Zohar for facilitating personal transformation, ushering us into world blessings, and creating global change.
The Rav taught, “It’s all about the Zohar.” For he knew that the wisdom alone was not enough, that every person should have this generator of Light, blessings, and transformation in their home. The Rav Berg Zohar Project continues the work of manifesting the Rav’s vision of a Zohar in every home, bringing the Light and the power of the Zohar to every single person in the world. It is with this in mind that we have committed to offering thousands of free Zohars worldwide every year.
“We have brought great light to this world so far, but now we want to do a thousand times more”
“Only through The Zohar will pain suffering and death end. In order for The Zohar Project to quickly accomplish this mission, we must dedicate ourselves to four areas: Education, Distributions, Connection, and Fundraising. The light that is in this work and the blessings that come to those who are involved in this work is greater than almost any other light that can be revealed in this world.”
The light that we reveal from the Zohar is dependent upon our appreciation and understanding of the Zohar.
We are not just simply giving out Zohars to people, but we are also explaining, teaching, and bringing to the world a greater understanding of the power of the Zohar.
Distribution and Volunteering:
Since the official launch of The Zohar Project in 2007, volunteers worldwide have helped distribute hundreds of thousands of Zohars to people from all walks of life.
The Zohar Project will continue to spearhead international Zohar distributions to areas of the world that experience poverty, hardship, and crisis.
The Virtual Zohar Project is committed to offering thousands of free Zohars globally to anyone who has the desire to receive this gift. Visit our online store and use coupon code SHARETHEZOHAR at checkout, but note that shipping charges are not included.
We at The Zohar Project believe that scanning and studying the Zohar are equally important endeavors as distributing the Zohar.
To support this belief, we offer a 24/7 Scanning Program where students can come together and connect to the teachings of the Zohar. Our goal is to reveal the Light of the Zohar in the world on a continuous basis. If you're interested in learning more about this program and joining the call, simply fill out the form located here.
Raising money for the Zohar Project is what will enable us to grow to new levels and achieve our mission.
The funds raised through the Zohar Project will go towards building an awareness and education campaign for the Zohar, publishing Zohars for distribution , and developing the digital Zohar app and website.