Be Part of Spreading the Light and Expanding Our Impact
In the moment referred to by kabbalists as the Breaking of the Vessel, sparks of the Light of the Creator came into the world. Everything in this world, therefore, contains sparks of Light – many are simply waiting to be revealed. The great kabbalists throughout history agree that consciousness is by far the most important element for bringing the sparks out from the darkness. And, in turn, the sparks elevate us, connecting us to the limitless Light of the Creator.
When it comes to our spiritual work, everything we do has one main purpose: to spread the pure, inimitable joy and fulfillment of the Light. There is nothing that is not spiritual work. Every day, we are given hundreds of opportunities to reveal sparks, and the more Light we reveal, the more we benefit – as individuals and as a whole.
Everything we do at The Kabbalah Centre is done with the consciousness of diminishing the darkness and expanding the reach of the Light. From classes to community outreach to High Holiday connections to sharing Zohars, our goal is to put the Light and life-changing power of Kabbalah in more hands than ever before. We’re as dedicated as ever to expanding the work of the Light.
As we approach the Centre’s 100-year anniversary in Fall 2022, we invite you to explore and consider contributing to the below five areas that will enable us to have the greatest impact in spreading the Light throughout the world as we look ahead to our next 100 years.
Making it easier for students around the world to connect through our mobile apps and expanding our infrastructure to continue sharing new content to our growing communities.
New Students and Kabbalah 1
Allow others to experience the transformation you have, through new introductory courses on topics like business and astrology as well as Kabbalah 1. By removing all financial barriers, and introducing new topics, more people are finding their way to Kabbalah.
Be part of revealing new wisdom to the world for the first time as we translate ancient texts to English, from English to other languages, and release new titles entirely.
Rav Berg Zohar Project
Kabbalists teach that the Zohar is the single most powerful tool that anyone can connect to and draw infinite blessings to their life. Help reveal the light of the Zohar around the world.
Kabbalah for Kids and Teens
Imagine having the wisdom of Kabbalah from a young age; spiritual emotional intelligence that could help you navigate life just when it begins to get really challenging. How much different would your life look now? We are excited to be creating and producing insightful kabbalistic content for kids and teens, some of which are being taught by young adults who grew up learning Kabbalah themselves. Help give future generations the opportunity to learn spirituality.