The greater the darkness, the greater the Light that can be revealed.
This was the mantra of the ancient sages of Kabbalah, who would often teach that our spiritual efforts can reveal the most Light in times of darkness. It is with this in mind that we have committed to offering thousands of free Zohars around the world at this time. We urge you to join us in this mission and to know that every dollar you contribute to sharing the Zohar will be matched, dollar for dollar.
The Zohar is a holy book. Its origin is Light. Its purpose is to bring Light. Its nature and substance are Light, so much so that the mere possession of the Zohar can repel darkness and surround those who possess it with merciful protection. As Rav Berg wrote, “The Zohar represents humankind’s best hope of a solution to the chaos that has afflicted it since the beginning of history. Through the Zohar, we shall assuredly transform this planet into one of peace and tranquility.”
We are committed to offering 6,000 pocket Pinchas Zohars, 350 Sacred Zohars all over The United Kingdom & Europe in the coming months.
£8 supports sharing x1 Pocket-size Pinchas Zohar £52 supports sharing x1 Sacred Zohar
To donate towards The Rav Berg Zohar Project Germany click here
Please validate your order as donations and purchases are not refundable. If you have submitted an order by mistake or made an error in the amount of your donation, please call 1-(888) 72-DONOR immediately so that we can void the order. Donation refunds can only be processed within 24 hours of the donation and must be received by 5pm pacific time.
The Kabbalah Centre has the sole discretion and authority to apply contributions designated for restricted projects to another purpose or project that is consistent with the mission of The Kabbalah Centre in the event a project is cancelled, or the donations received exceed the needs of the project.