The Roots Program offers children, teens, young adults, and parents spiritual tools to navigate life, become leaders, and positively impact the world. Roots is an all-inclusive space for families to grow together. 

The Roots Program’s mission is to instill spiritual wisdom, values, and tools that will help our young people grow into conscious, loving, independent, resourceful, and sharing global citizens. We continuously develop content, materials, and events that provide a support system for our youth to create a better future for themselves and the world. Our lessons are designed to communicate deep spiritual concepts to youth through fun and interactive education.

The hope for our future generation in particular and the world in general always lies with the children of any period. They will become the future adults of tomorrow. And as the young are reared, so too will they influence the events to come.
— Rav Berg

At Present

We are currently very busy developing proprietary content for children of all ages. Starting in 2022 we will offer online classes, workshops and other activities geared toward children and teens ages 7-10, 11-14, and 15-18, plus an “edutainment” holiday series for early childhood and elementary age children.

Our Goals:

  • Hire a team of educational, administrative and technical professionals to work with our Kabbalah Centre teachers to develop more content, to expand our online presence as well as live classes.

  • Translate all online content into Spanish, French, Hebrew, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, German, Polish, Chinese and more, so young people all over the world can benefit from these teachings.

  • Volunteer Program In the spirit of Kabbalah’s teachings that emphasize sharing, The Kabbalah Centre seeks to provide a volunteer program allowing students to participate in charitable initiatives. It is our vision that kids and teens in our community will participate in age-appropriate volunteer opportunities, such as planting trees, visiting children’s hospitals, mentoring other youth, and building homes for families in need. We believe volunteering offers kids and teens the unique ability to put into practice key spiritual principles; true caring, sharing, and teamwork.

  • Teen camp in the summer of 2022: We will offer summer retreats for teens to enjoy an intensive immersive experience. They will learn the tools necessary to make smarter choices, improve communication with their inner guides as well as others, deal with the stress and challenges that are inherent in being a teenager, and develop a greater awareness of the rules of the game of life.

  • Mentoring Program for youth: It’s not easy transitioning from childhood into adolescence or adolescence into young adulthood. “It takes a village” as the saying goes. That is why we plan to offer our students a mentoring system, a safe haven to support youth with spiritual principles and tools that will help them make smoother and easier transitions in their spiritual journey through life by applying Kabbalistic wisdom.

  • Social media support: We will create an online presence with positive and inspiring content for young people. They will be able to interact with each other in a safe, respectful online environment that encourages cooperation over competition.

  • Parent Support: Parenting is one of the most important jobs in the world. Parenting can also be one of the most challenging, stressful jobs in the world. How we parent our children greatly impacts our children’s quality of life as well as our entire society. It is with this in mind that the Kabbalah Centre is committed to providing ongoing parental support as a key pillar of the Kids and Teens Program. We offer parenting classes and courses, online and in-person, to empower and support parents personally in their process of raising spiritually minded children who will grow into conscientious adults.

There is so much needless suffering in the world today. No child or parent should be turned away from benefitting from this vital wisdom, these practical tools, and support system.

 That is why we need your help and support to make this vision a reality for the children who are growing up with extreme stress in these unprecedented times that we all live in. The sooner we manifest this support for all the children, the sooner we can positively impact our future.

 Please give generously.

The Kabbalah Centre Roots Program was created to offer a pathway for the younger generation to fully engage in the study of Kabbalah and become the future leaders of our community, and world.
— Michael Berg, Kabbalah Centre Director