Since its inception, the Kabbalah Centre has provided Kabbalistic wisdom and tools in the form of publications to tens of millions of people.

Our books introduce beginners to life-enhancing spiritual principles sourced in ancient wisdom, presented in contemporary, relevant, and entertaining ways. From the hidden and advanced text like Zohar itself to compassionate and effective manuals to overcome fear, The Kabbalah Centre is dedicated to publishing, printing and distributing books at all levels of study.

To date, we have published over 50 titles in as many as 23 languages.  This prolific work is only possible because of donors like yourself who want to be part of revealing this great light and wisdom to the world.

I began reading the writings of Rav Ashlag as soon as they became available in English translation. Because of these books, I now know there is a spiritual system available for all mankind to take advantage. I owe these teachings my life.
— Joseph Van Arsdale, Kabbalah Centre student

The Zohar

Since 1922, Kabbalah Publishing has been committed to translating and printing the 23-volumes of the Zohar, including the commentary known as the Sulam. In the first century, during the time of the Roman Empire, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai channeled the divine wisdom of the Zohar and later shared it orally for his student Rabbi Abba to write down. The Zohar was then concealed for many centuries, reappearing in Spain in 1270 C.E, only to remain untouched by most for another seven hundred years.

In the 1920's, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, founder of the Kabbalah Centre, wrote the first unabridged translation of the Zohar from the original Aramaic into Hebrew including his historic commentary. This marked the beginning of a new era. In 1995, Michael Berg, co-director of The Kabbalah Centre, began a ten-year process of translating the 23-volumes of the Zohar and its commentary for the first time into English, thus making it available to the vast international community of English speakers. Today, there are millions of sets of the Zohar currently in circulation worldwide. It is one of our greatest merits to be able to publish and distribute the Zohar in the modern era.

To learn more about the Zohar visit here.

Sacred Writings

In 2010, Kabbalah Publishing began the process of translating, editing and printing the advanced writings of the kabbalists, including The Holy Ari, Rav Yehuda Ashlag and Rav Yehuda Brandwein. These sacred writings give our students the opportunity not only to connect to deep wisdom, but also to connect to the lineage of kabbalists that paved the way for their present day study

Kabbalah Books

Since 1988, Kabbalah Publishing has been dedicated to editing and printing new titles from Rav Berg, Karen Berg, Michael Berg, and Monica Berg. We have published books on a myriad of topics, including but not limited to: love, astrology, reincarnation, prosperity, and wellness.


  • Printed millions of copies of The Zohar that have been disseminated worldwide

  • Translated 23 volumes of the Aramaic/Hebrew Zohar into English & Spanish. French and Portuguese translations currently in process.

  • Translated Tikkunei Zohar into English. Spanish translation currently in process.

  • Translated the following foremost texts of Rav Ashlag into English and Spanish: On World Peace, And You Shall Choose Life, The Thought of Creation, The Light of Wisdom, and The Wisdom of Truth.

  • Translated Rav Yehuda Brandwein’s Beloved of My Soul into English and Spanish.

  • Published over 70 books by Rav Berg, Karen Berg, Michael Berg, and Monica Berg in 23 languages, including: Spanish, German, Dutch, Turkish, Italian, Bulgarian, Latvian, Korean, Russian, and Portuguese.