Through Kabbalah we discover that giving to others is much more than a nice idea. The selfless sharing of one’s wealth, time, and talent is actually a great spiritual tool with the power to change lives.

According to the Zohar, the sacred text of Kabbalah,  there are three distinct levels of giving, each with its own spiritual benefit. Our purpose in this lifetime is to transform our own desire to receive into a beneficent force for sharing with others. In doing so, we become like the Creator, bringing Light to the entire world.


Community Giving is sharing within your physical environment. Kabbalists teach that prior to the revelation of the Ten Utterances at Mount Sinai, Moses asked his people to accept responsibility for the wellbeing of one another. It was only when they were united in their shared commitment to reciprocal responsibility that miracles could occur. Learning to accept responsibility for our friends, family, community, and for the wider world is one of the most essential and most rewarding kabbalistic lessons.

Tithing is the act of sharing ten percent of one’s income. The word “tithe” comes from the Hebrew word eser, which means “ten.” Kabbalists explain that giving away ten percent of our earnings helps remove limitations that might block the flow of blessings into our lives.

Tzedaka is sharing beyond tithing – more than ten percent of our income. This is the most powerful form of charity one can give. The Zohar tells us that when enough people engage in tzedaka, the world will experience the removal of chaos, peace, and prosperity.